2014 SVPC Recap

Social Venture Plan Competition Report 2014

Mobile Apps and Rainier Valley Dominate Eighth Annual SVPC Showcase

好的赌博软件推荐第八届年度社会创业计划竞赛(SVPC), 超过一半的展示团队的项目要么以移动软件应用程序为中心,要么解决了西雅图雷尼尔山谷社区的需求.  However, when the dust settled, 排名前几位的项目仍然是那些展示创新有形产品的项目.  The Showcase event, the finale of the annual SVPC, was held on the SPU campus Wednesday, April 16, 2014.

Sound Steps

The top project was Sound Steps, chosen as the $3000 Herbert B. 由超过75位代表该公司的评委共同投票选出的琼斯大奖得主, non-profit, academic and professional community.  Kinetic, Inc. came in second, winning the $2000 Pioneer Award.  Over 300 students, faculty, 工作人员和客人们投票选出了他们下午最喜欢的项目,唐·萨默斯人民选择奖授予了500美元 Stepping Stones.

Sound Steps 使命是帮助发展中国家的截肢者摆脱贫困,为他们提供最高质量和最实惠的下肢假肢.”  The prosthetic foot in question is made from used tires, which can be found in abundance in certain countries, including Sound Steps’ first proposed manufacturing site, South Africa.  Thus, 该项目不仅希望增加截肢者的行动能力(从而增加机会), 而且还可以回收一种产品并将其从废物流中移除——以一种价格获得两种社会产品.  Sound Steps 是商科大四学生斯蒂芬妮·哈罗德和马修·布罗曼的合作吗, junior Business Major Gabriella Serventi, 机械工程专业的大四学生Hannah Judd和工程专业的大四学生Natalie Harold.


Kinetic, Inc. 先锋奖的亚军和优胜者是由先锋人类服务颁发的吗. Kinetic, Inc.’s initial product offering is the Curilight, a combination LED light and UV water purifier powered by kinetic energy.  Kinetic, Inc. 计划通过REI和Cabela 's等零售商向户外爱好者推销Curilight.  Hoping to form as a for-benefit corporation (or B-corp), Kinetic, Inc. 计划将净收入的75%捐给非洲斯威士兰有需要的村庄.  The Kinetic, Inc. 团队由会计专业的Darci Curtin和商务专业的Todd Carlson组成, Andrew Johnson and Elli Winslow, all from Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho.

In addition to the top two prizes, three honorable mention prizes of $1,000 each were awarded as well:


Cerca 会出售危地马拉妇女用传统玛雅设计制作的高质量手工编织婴儿裹布吗. By creating a path to larger markets for this product, 该公司将为今天经常被边缘化的土著妇女提供经济机会. Cerca was the work of junior Business major Claire Fredriks, senior Global Development Studies major Jeff Abbott, 商科大四学生Hayley DeKlotz和社会学与全球发展双学位大四学生Nathan Nelson和Megan Herndon.

GCA Lotus

GCA Lotus has developed a glove that, when worn by the user, 能将美国手语(ASL)翻译成屏幕上的文字或可听的文字吗. The device would open up communication for those who are deaf, but could also be used as a study tool for those trying to learn ASL. The GCA Lotus 项目是由电气工程专业大四学生Clarence Rieu开发的, junior Accounting major Evan Eriksen, senior Applied Human Biology major Tori Speck, senior Physics Education major Briana Clarke, 大三室内设计专业的Alex Russell和大一英语专业的Alex Lee.


Sociphi 一个手机应用程序的设计是为了让人们更容易找到符合个人激情和兴趣的慈善组织和机会吗.  该团队的愿望是通过更容易地与正确的原因联系起来,增加捐赠和志愿服务.  Sociphi was the work of Vy-Hoa Le, Kaili Hunsaker, Christian Bravo and Lauren Rogers, SPU一年制管理学硕士——社会与可持续管理课程的所有学生.


New this year was a collaboration between SPU and Urban Impact, a faith-based non-profit in Seattle’s Rainier Valley neighborhood.  提交项目的团队专注于在雷尼尔河谷做出改变,有资格获得单独的500美元奖金.  The winner of this award was Blended Smoothies, 一个奶昔店的提议,将补充城市影响现有的雷尼尔健康和健身业务.  Blended Smoothies 是商业和经济双学位大二学生克里斯·赫伦的创意, junior Global Development Studies major Jessica Miller, junior Business major Sarai Aguirre, 全球发展研究专业大四学生丽贝卡·哈珀和商业专业大四学生贝卡·哈里曼.

For many years Dr. 唐·萨默斯(Don Summers)一直担任社会创业计划竞赛的负责人,直到2012年意外患病去世.  His widow, Linda Summers, along with several other of Don’s family members, 朋友和以前的学生联合起来以唐的名义建立了一个捐赠基金, supporting the competition.  In honor of this new endowment, the People’s Choice award was named the Don Summers People’s Choice Award.

Stepping Stones

唐·萨默斯人民选择奖的得主是雷尼尔河谷的另一个项目, Stepping Stones.  Stepping Stones 他建议成立一家非营利性职业介绍所,为生活在雷尼尔山谷边缘地带的人们提供技能发展和扩大机会.  Stepping Stones was the work of junior Business majors Christian Roy and Jeff Reintjes, 会计专业大三学生John Heffel和商业与会计双学位大三学生Addison Parker.

Blended Smoothies and Stepping Stones,以及雷尼尔山谷的另外两个项目将在后续活动中竞争, Sharks at the Beach, on April 23.  这场“创智赢家”式的活动将由Urban Impact在雷尼尔大街7700号的翡翠城公地(Emerald City Commons)举办.  The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and the winner will receive an additional $1000 prize.

This is the eighth year of SPU’s Social Venture Plan Competition.  17支队伍参加了展示活动,包括大约80名学生.  Competitors hailed from SPU, Northwest Nazarene University, Seattle University and the University of Washington.  In addition to the 75+ community Judges, over 300 students, faculty and staff voted in the People’s Choice balloting.

这是社会创业计划比赛的最后一站. 比赛的早期阶段包括一系列赌博十大靠谱软件商业规划基础知识的研讨会, 对团队的书面计划进行评分,并与知识渊博的商业人士进行指导, 社区领导和其他专业人士了解学生的商业理念. 总共有150多名社区志愿者作为读者、讲师、教练和评委奉献了时间.

Social Venture Project Competition crowd

Doug Deardorf, CEO of Denver-based NiSoft and an SPU alumnus, was a first time Judge at this year’s SVPC Showcase. 迪尔多夫说:“我真的很喜欢参加这次活动,学生们给我留下了深刻的印象, their work and the SVPC program.  Very cool indeed.”

Chuck Simchuk of Alaska Air Group, a long-time volunteer for the competition said “I want to congratulate Sound Steps.  我有幸审查了他们出色的商业计划——他们确实有一个可行的想法,我希望他们能执行他们的计划.”

社会创业计划竞赛的财政赞助者包括赫伯特B. Jones Foundation, the Scott and Kathleen Cummins Family Foundation, Pioneer Human Services, Fischer Plumbing, Miir, Northwest Center and Skills, Inc.  该竞赛由工商经济学院应用学习中心管理.